How do I access this object??
I can access this with payer->name->given_name
But how do I get to this one??
When it is an object within an object??
You have a mix of arrays and objects, so you need to use indexes as well.
My php knowledge is very basic, but to illustrate
$json_string = <<<EOD
"purchase_units": [
"payments": {
"captures": [
$json_ob = json_decode($json_string);
To access the the nested id
echo $json_ob->purchase_units[0]->payments->captures[0]->id;
// 3EP33639BR568753A
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Basically, Every opening piece of punctuation in a JSON translates as you step across its boundary.
[ becomes [index]
{ becomes →
and : is a name to be added to the chain.
brain parse:
Output: <null>. Target: "3EP33639BR568753A"
Read: "purchase_units": , interpret: step
Output: purchase_units
Read: [ , interpret: enter array
Target ID in array: 0 (This is skipping a whole bunch of stuff re: finding the target/backwalking through an array)
Output: purchase_units[0]
Read: { , interpret: enter object
Output: purchase_units[0]->
Read: "payments": , interpret: step
Output: purchase_units[0]->payments
Read: { , interpret: enter object
Output: purchase_units[0]->payments->
Read: "captures": , interpret: step
Output: purchase_units[0]->payments->captures
Read: [ , interpret: enter array
Target ID in array: 0
Output: purchase_units[0]->payments->captures[0]
Read: { , interpret: enter object
Output: purchase_units[0]->payments->captures[0]->
Read: "id": , interpret: step
Output: purchase_units[0]->payments->captures[0]->id
Read: "3EP33639BR568753A", interpret: Target found. Return output.