I've worked as a Web Engineer, Writer, Communications Manager, and Marketing Director at companies such as Apple, Salon.com, StumbleUpon, and Moovweb. My research into the Social Science of Telecommunications at UC Berkeley, and while earning MBA in Organizational Behavior, showed me that the human instinct to network is vital enough to thrive in any medium that allows one person to connect to another.
M. David's articles

Higher-order functions can take other functions as arguments or return a function as a result. Learn how to use them and why they're useful.

M. David Green discusses pair programming, examining what it takes for two developers working together to achieve the productivity and quality improvements that come from pairing.

M. David Green presents tools, tricks, and practices for improving the remote working experience for yourself, your team, your manager, and your company.

The product backlog is one of the most controversial artifacts of an agile organization. Everybody seems to have an opinion about how it should work.

M. David Green reviews new features of modern JavaScript, such as classes and arrow functions, looking at when you should and perhaps shouldn't use them.
M. David Green demonstrates how you can start thinking functionally in JavaScript, by refactoring some all-too-common imperative code to a functional style.

Error monitoring can save you when things start to fall apart. Learn how to get Airbrake working with your JavaScript web apps.

Read Grab Our Free Printable Functional JavaScript Cheat Sheet and learn JavaScript with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.

In this episode of the Versioning Show, David and Tim are joined by Chris Ward, a technical writer, blogger and web developer.

Functional code is often touted as easier to test. M. David Green examines that claim and demonstrates how to get started testing functional JavaScript.

In this episode of the Versioning Show, Tim and David are joined by Sarah Drasner, a teacher, author, consultant and staff writer at CSS-Tricks.

In this episode of the Versioning Show, David and Tim are joined by Lara Schenck, a freelance web consultant and educator.

In this episode of the Versioning Show, Tim and David are joined by Donovan Hutchinson, a developer, teacher and proprietor of CSSanimation.rocks.

In this one-on-one episode of the Versioning Show, David and Tim look at what it means to be a productive software engineer.

In this episode of the Versioning Show, Tim and David talk with Luke Hay, a user experience professional and author.

In this exclusive book excerpt from Scrum: Novice to Ninja, we take a look at troubleshooting Scrum and how to overcome obstacles in the process.

In this episode of the Versioning Show, David and Tim are joined by Azat Mardan, a software engineer, author, teacher, Node expert and Paleo enthusiast.

In this exclusive excerpt from our book, Scrum: Novice to NInja, by M. David Green, we discuss how to get teams started with the Scrum process.

In this book excerpt, we continue looking into the importance of walking through a story during Scrum processes.

In this exclusive excerpt from our book Scrum: Novice to Ninja, we look at the importance of the second Standup and why developers should utilize it.

In this episode of the Versioning Show, Tim and David are joined by Jason Lengstorf, a developer and designer at IBM.

In the last chapter, we were introduced to the product owner's world, and taken through the process of developing and creating a story for the team.

In this exclusive excerpt from our book, Scrum: Novice to Ninja, we expand further into the importance of the Scrum Contract.

Take a look at how web and mobile development teams work with the various features of scrum, in this excerpt from our book, Scrum: Novice to Ninja..

In this episode of the Versioning Show, David and Tim are joined by Tim Holman, a web experimenter and member of the CodePen team.

Applying functional techniques improved my programs, problem-solving skills, process; my code was cleaner and easier to maintain — with less work.

At the end of each sprint, the completed features that were worked on should be added to the product for the sprint demo.

velocity is how a scrum team measures the amount of work they can complete in a typical sprint. By tracking the number of story points the team can

Declaring a story to be done is a means of verifying that all of its critical aspects have been completed based on the way each team works.

There are electronic tools and services that are designed to help teams capture and manage stories as they move from one state to the next.