It feels like only yesterday that the SitePoint Ambassador Program kicked off. Hard to believe we’ve arrived at our fifth month!
We’re honored to pass the torch of Ambassador of the Month to someone who—though he works tirelessly by day at his day job—manages to spend quality time with the SitePoint community. It’s our friendly neighbor from Greece, Panayiotis Velisarakos!
Panayiotis has been working in and around the Web for almost twenty years, using a variety of front-end and back-end technologies, tools and platforms. His strength nowadays is focused very much on front-end development and building great-looking sites.
Panayiotis mentioned to us that, if you sit still, web technologies will just pass you by. This is why he dedicates so much time to refining his skills. His love of books and blogs keeps him very busy!
During the rare few moments Panayiotis isn’t focused on web things, he is happily relaxing with his family (and occasionally playing games online).
We asked Panayiotis to tell us a bit more about his interactions with SitePoint. Here’s what he had to say:
SitePoint has always been one of the few sites I visit daily. I’ve loved reading the new articles and expanding my web knowledge. I would check back continually to look for new books and resources on SitePoint Premium to help me expand my skill set.
Keeping up-to-date with advancements in web technologies would be very difficult without communities like SitePoint. I really enjoy devoting as much free time as I can to support them.
The Ambassador Program was an opportunity for me to contribute to the web community in a meaningful way. Letting me reach a wider audience and make the best of the time and effort I could spare.
Why thank you! It’s good to know the program has proved useful for SitePoint contributors, and we’re looking forward to the continued development of the program. With people like Panayiotis, I’m sure this will be a great journey.
Watch out this space!

Elio is a open source designer and founder of Ura Design. He coordinates community initiatives at SitePoint as well. Further, as a board member at Open Labs Hackerspace, he promotes free software and open source locally and regionally. Elio founded the Open Design team at Mozilla and is a Creative Lead at Glucosio and Visual Designer at The Tor Project. He co-organizes OSCAL and gives talks as a Mozilla Tech Speaker at various conferences. When he doesn’t write for SitePoint, he scribbles his musings on his personal blog.