Laravel beginner guide

im in practice mode, i have project simple not much complicated, will be having super-admin, admin, manger and user.

  • Manger can create only user can view/delete/update (user profile, user post etc)
  • User have limit access only, like create/update
  • Only admin can create user role like users, admin, manger, delete posts/ any delete option
  • Only admin can update /reset password (email reset will be not be used)

Should i use laravel start kit like breeze or jetstream or should i use my own custom coding

Starter kits like Breeze & Jetstream will only provide you with authentication scaffolding. They will not provide roles & permissions setup. You will have to use a package for it or roll your own code.


For your project with roles like super-admin, admin, manager, and user, starting with Laravel Breeze or Jetstream for basic authentication is a good choice.
However, these starter kits don’t provide built-in role and permission management, so you’ll need to implement this functionality yourself. The best approach is to add custom Gates and Policies in Laravel or use the Spatie Laravel-Permission package, which simplifies role and permission management.

Breeze is suitable if you only need basic authentication and are willing to handle the rest of the setup manually.
Jetstream offers additional features but will also require further customization for roles and permissions.

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