You make valid points, but React and co. have a number of use cases you don’t mention. For example:
- Component-based architecture
- Reactivity
- State management
Components are self-contained, modular pieces of code that represent a part of the user interface. Each component can manage its own state and props, making it easy to reuse them across different parts of an application or even in different projects. Unlike jQuery, where you often end up duplicating code to handle similar UI elements, React’s component-based architecture promotes code reusability and maintainability.
Reactivity refers to the automatic updating of the user interface in response to changes in data. When the state or props of a component change, React’s virtual DOM determines which parts of the actual DOM need to be updated and re-renders only those parts. This eliminates the need for manual DOM manipulation and event handling, which is common in jQuery.
State Management is about how components handle and manage their data internally. Each component can maintain its own state, and when this state changes, React re-renders the component to reflect the new state. This approach contrasts with jQuery, where you need to manually track and update the DOM based on data changes. This makes it easier to build complex, dynamic applications, as it ensures that the UI remains consistent with the current state of the application.
I don’t agree with this. React itself is very performant and getting more so all the time. For example, there is a compiler coming to React, which is a build-time only tool to automatically optimize your React app. We now also have server components, which (as the name suggests) don’t run on the client and thus their code isn’t included in the JavaScript bundle which is shipped.
So that is the question, right? As Thallius says if you have been developing successfully with jQuery for many years, then the benefit of migrating just for the sake of it is questionable.
In my opinion, it depends on what type of applications you are building and choosing the right tool for the job. For example, if you’re building interactive, dynamic applications like single-page applications (SPAs), dashboards, or real-time data visualizations, React is an excellent choice.
On the other hand, if your applications are simpler, primarily involving DOM manipulation and jQuery has been serving your needs well, there’s less reason to switch. Sites with simpler interfaces and less complex interactions, like small business websites or static content pages, will continue to benefit from jQuery’s simplicity and ease of use.
However, this is oversimplifying things…
Frameworks like Next.js and Astro take React further by providing additional features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and improved performance out of the box. These tools cater to developers who want to leverage React’s component-based approach while optimizing for speed and SEO.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that React is highly popular in the job market. Many companies have adopted React for their front-end development, which translates to more job opportunities and better career prospects for developers skilled in React compared to those focused solely on jQuery.
I apologize if this reply has become a bit long and rambling. The reality is that there is a huge ecosystem around React, including numerous libraries, tools, and frameworks, which makes the topic rather convoluted.
Nonetheless, HTH