I have both a wordpress and several Blogger blogs. And I wonder what is the best (even other ones, if you want).
In particular I don’t find the way to show (using a url, such as /?cat=something) wordpress post of a given category.
Blogger seem more flexible, and from a SEO point of view better…
I don’t konw…
Found: the url is
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Wordpress allows you to customize your url structure and is great for those that want to spend their time marketing and building content, instead of messing with code all day.
If you are a coder, you can always code a custom solution, like I am. Anything free has a price, for wordpress, teh price is a slight leanring curve. There is also WordpressMU that lets you manage numerous blogs, but I prefer to install it on each domain separately and keep it that way, for easier resell, if needed.
If you just want basic blogging, I would use Wordpress hosting with one of the major hosts to conserve money and have a server optimized for Wordpress specifically, just my two cents. I hope this helps!
Oh in wordpress, to change the links structure easily, install it and login to /wp-admin and click Permalinks. 
Wordpress.Org is great as long as you do not need advanced access to the server.
Choosing between Blogger and WordPress depends on your preferences. Blogger excels in terms of simplicity and ease of use. It is completely free and integrates seamlessly with Google services. However, optional methods are limited. WordPress offers a lot of control and flexibility. You can set up separate plans and extend functionality with plugins, but that requires a separate hosting plan (usually a few dollars per month).
While Blogger URLs may seem more SEO-friendly at first glance, WordPress can also be customized. Plugins help create clean category URLs like you mentioned (/category/something). Overall, WordPress offers a high level of development and customization, especially if you plan to take your blog seriously in the long run.
If you are comfortable with the limitations of Blogger and just want a quick and easy platform. But if you’re interested in more control, design freedom, and future development potential, WordPress is the way to go.
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I have tried using wordpress for my websites. Now I am trying to shift to blogger. Whats the best one in your opinion? I guess both are best but what’s more convenient in your point of view?